Sacred Sister Circle

You, like millions of women from all across the world, are awakening to your Divine purpose. You were made to live a life of prosperity and ecstasy. It is time to honor the sacred magic that is your birthright as a woman.

Our Sacred Sister Circle meets on the last Friday of each month.

The Pussy Portal

I Help You Flourish In Your Calling As a Priestess and Spiritual Leader by Cultivating Self Pleasure as a Spiritual Practice.

The Pussy Portal is the sacred, cosmic temple where you can be in the presence of the Most High and the Goddess - YOU. 

Your Pussy is more than just a pleasure center. She is the gateway to accessing the codes of your past, present and future. She is a treasure chest of Divine knowledge and magick capable of bringing your dreams and your purpose into reality.

The Pussy Portal is where you arrive when you are ready to claim your birthright as a natural born High Priestess.

Will you answer the call?

I want to dance like a wild woman. 

I want to sway and grind and twirl.

I want to feel the wind blow through my kinky-curly mane.

I want the sun and moon to make love to my smooth, dark skin. 

I will bring pleasure to what was once pain. 

I choose to heal in ecstasy.

Tiara Shardé

The Pussy Portal

A Six Month Journey to Reclaim Your Sensuality and Your Magick.

The Pussy Portal will reconvene for the fall semester on September 13, 2024 - March 4, 2025

Registration will begin on July 1, 2024.

As women, we hold so much shame when it comes to our body, our sensuality, and the word: "PUSSY". It's an insidious and far reaching giant blob of shame that gets passed down generation to generation until one special, magickal woman has the courage and the spiritual gifts to HEAL.

Because, if we don't heal, that shame turns into large, putrid masses of stagnant energy in our cosmic Pussy Portal, the sacred Divinely constructed temple that resides deep within our body, and blocks us from our highest potential. 

You have a right to pleasure; a right to be embodied, juicy and prosperous Queens yet you may not feel worthy or capable of truly owning your power. 

Truth is: You ARE worthy!

You are more than deserving of the life that you want; you just may not have the support, the resources, and the access to a devoted Sistarhood invested in seeing you WIN!

Are you ready to reclaim your birthright?

Are you ready to find out what the “power of the pussy” really means?

I help you Flourish In Your Calling As a Priestess and Spiritual Leader by Cultivating Self Pleasure as a Spiritual Practice.

Let's Get Started!


Identify False Belief Systems

Identify and annihilate the false, inherited belief systems that keep you prisoner in your own (pussy) body.

Develop Partnership

Partner with, and honor your spirituality & sensuality by connecting with your sacred Pussy Portal for healing and expansion.

Relearn & Reclaim

Relearn and reclaim the wisdom, magic and power of the Pussy. Learn what the "Power of the Pussy" really means and how to tap in.

Ancestral Liberation

Liberate yourself and your bloodline by embodying your inner Goddess. Learn how to heal with pleasure instead of pain.

Rise Up, Priestess

The path of the Priestess, the Healer and the Oracle is opening up for those who are here to create powerful change in this world. The Pussy Portal Mystery School prepares, as well as supports womben for leadership as an embodied Divine Feminine Goddess.


What My Clients Are Saying

"When I tapped into the magick of the Pussy Portal, I had an awakening. I had blockages that were so powerful that I couldn't move forward. During this experience, I tapped back into meditation and aligned with my mother and we attended therapy together. I realized how my maternal relationship affected how I give and receive pleasure. My greatest take away is being in tune with my mind because it produces the results in my body."


"Thank you so much Tiara for creating the Pussy Portal Challenge! It was so awesome to be a part of; this practice is going to be so life changing for me. Thank you."


"My very first week learning about the Pussy Portal, I had a mystical experience that was so beautiful, I will never forget it. I was calling on my spiritual support team and they literally showed up the same night after my meditation in the Pussy Portal. The following week, I meditated and did the Pussy Portal prayers and rituals in order to call some things into my life. This all took place during the full moon and by the time the new moon arrived, I was approved for my place and I will be moving in next week! These are just a few of the experiences that I've had but this all happened within just ONE MONTH of tapping into the Pussy Portal! This process has shown me the true power of my portal and I am ready to continue on this journey for my healing. I look forward to all of my future blissings after learning about the Pussy Portal and highly recommend this work to women everywhere - they just have to try it out, too!"


"Tiara! Remember we spoke the first time on the phone and you mentioned a vision for what you wanted to do. You said something BIG. I feel like a full circle moment, like I just watched that vision that was unclear and distant then, materialize before my eyes. You High Priestess Magician, you!"


"Tiara Shardé offers an important and potent path to cultural, family, and individual healing through the body's capacity for sensual pleasure. She throws off the concrete slabs that cover our ancestors' secrets and replaces the misguided religious spiritual by-pass of someone else doing your work for you, with a guide to cultivating the Divine Feminine energy that can metabolize and transform it on your own. Her call to align with our Divinity through pleasure, ecstasy and joy is essential to moving out of pathology, secrecy and suffering into health, love and co-creation."


"Yass yass yass! Your content and dialogue is exclusive. You are creating a safe space for black women and I love the shit out of you for it."


"All I can say is WOWZERS! I was able to go deeper into my healing; became more fortified addressing sexual abuse within my family; let go of a lover who didn't suit me; reclaimed my right to pleasure; AND reconnected with a king of a man who has also undergone his own profound spiritual evolution - all within just TWO WEEKS of joining The Pussy Portal Program!"


We're On Clubhouse!

Stay connected with our growing community over on Clubhouse. We'd love for you to join us over at The Pussy Portal Club!



The following lesson plan is just a preview of what we'll go over during our six months together.

The Pussy Portal is the second chapter, the fall semester within The Embodying the Goddess Mystery School and provides an intensive, knowledge packed journey into the path of the Priestess - expect a momentous shift in your life after this experience!

The Pussy Portal will reconvene for the fall semester on September 13, 2024.

Registration will begin on July 1, 2024.


Enter the Portal

MONTH ONE: Pussy Portal & Prayer

Cultivate a spiritual practice of devotion to yourself and the Most High when you enter the sacred temple. This is where you birth pure MAGICK.

MONTH TWO: The Pleasure Principle

PLEASURE IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT! Learn how to create a life of pleasure. Choose to heal with pleasure instead of pain and suffering. 


Generational Pussy Power

MONTH THREE: Ancestral Liberation

Honor your Maternal bloodline in the Pussy Portal and liberate them from generations of shame, trauma and abuse.

MONTH FOUR: The Prosperous Pussy

If you can visualize it, you can make it real. Your pussy is a master manifestor! What is it that you require in order for you to embody all that you are?


Return of the Priestess

MONTH FIVE: Prophetic Dreams & Vision Activation

The Pussy Portal WILL activate and strengthen spiritual gifts such as prophecy, visions and more. Skip the books and learn how to initiate these powerful gifts with pleasure & bliss.

MONTH SIX: Navigating Psychic Attacks Like a High Priestess

Stepping into your power as a High Priestess comes with responsibility. You are breaking generational curses and claiming your spiritual gifts under a system that never wanted you to be free- what you're doing is REVOLUTIONARY. Forewarned is forearmed - identify psychic attacks and navigate them without losing your crown.


Six months of Guided Mentorship

Three Signature Modules

Six Powerful Lessons

Two Group Calls Per Month

Q&A/Support Group Call Per Month

Access to Recordings

Journal Prompts & Recommended Inner Work

Sistarhood! - the KEY to effective, long lasting healing

Let's recap what you get when you sign up!

Access The Pussy Portal™ Using My Signature Method

Enjoy access to The Pussy Portal Mystery School using my proven method: Pussy Portal & Prayer, The Pleasure Principle, Ancestral Liberation, The Prosperous Pussy, Prophetic Dreams & Visions Activation, and Navigating Psychic Attacks Like A High Priestess.

($9,000 Value)

Guided Mentorship with Tiara Shardé

Enjoy two group coaching calls every month for six months including one call to go over the curriculum and one call for Q&A, sharing and support. ($18,000 Value)

Access to Recordings & Replays

Tune into recorded group calls in case you missed a session. All participants have access to all content in the program for six months. ($3,000 Value)


You have lifelong access to your community of Sistar Goddesses once you sign up. Revel in the knowing that your tribe of sisters are here for you in order to hold you accountable and to remind you of just how fucking amazing you are! (Priceless)

Bonus #1

The Pussy Portal Workbook

Receive a downloadable and printable workbook when you sign up! The Pussy Portal Workbook follows along with the program and includes activities, rituals, affirmations, and journal prompts.

Bonus #2

1:1 Session With Me!

Pay in full to receive a 60 minute 1:1 session with me! This is where we take a look at your unique journey and map out a plan that works for you.

A $30,000 Value for $5,799!

Need a Payment Plan?

Choose the plan that works for you.


9/13/2024 - 3/04/2025
Fall Semester -
The Pussy Portal



9/13/2024 - 3/04/2025
Six monthly payments for Fall Semester - The Pussy Portal

*Schedule a call below for a custom payment plan.


4/04/2024 - 03/04/2025
Embodying the Goddess Within and The Pussy Portal


Have Questions?

The Pussy Portal begins on September 13, 2024.

Schedule a 40 minute consultation if you have any questions concerning enrollment, curriculum, or if you're in need of a custom payment plan that isn't listed above.

Join our newsletter to stay in the loop about my latest offerings! Gain access to prosperity and self love rituals, exclusive content on how to embody Divine Femininity, tips for using your sensual energy to bring you abundance, and more!

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All content and classes on this site are owned by Tiara Shardé and may not be used or reproduced without express permission. Copyright 2023-2024. Clixli 

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